Welcome to the UnlistedsBlog

Do you work with start-ups, growth companies or perhaps you are in a role that manages several companies, such as investor, board member or innovation advisor?

Are you passionate about economic growth and building value?

Then you've come to the right place.  

Our goal is to create a hub for all aspiring entrepreneurs, investors and related stakeholders.  

Because we believe that all founders deserve to be able to focus on their core activities and what they do best.

This blog is for you - and your success!

What can you expect?

In a world where more and more companies are seeking investor capital and the capital market has become international, it has led to the development of various complex instruments, structures, expectations and best practices. Through this blog, we want to demystify this for you and help you make good choices.  

By following the "Ownership Blog" you will get:  

  • In-depth insight: Understanding how stock and option plans work and how they can be optimized for your unique needs.

  • Strategic guidance: Advice on how to customize and implement stock or option programs to attract and retain talent, while maintaining company values and vision.

  • Information and advice related to various legal instruments, dealing with investors and raising capital

  • Technological solutions: Introduction to modern digital tools, such as Unlisted's portal, that can help you effectively manage your ownership structure.

  • Real examples: Case studies and success stories that demonstrate how effective corporate governance can contribute to a company's success.

  • Continuous updates: With the world in constant change, you will receive regular updates on new laws, regulations, and best practices in ownership and asset management.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge, tools and support you need to make informed ownership decisions. As far back as 1597, Sir Francis Bacon wrote "knowledge is power".

We hope to provide you with the knowledge that can help you on your path to future success.

Fredrik Harestad

CEO and founder, Unlisted  

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