Full overview of all investment deals and investors

Register all capital increases or share rights such as convertible loans, SLIPs and warrants to get a picture of both the current ownership structure, but also understand the company's fully diluted ownership.

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Hundreds of Norwegian companies manage their shareholder register with Unlisted
Full overview of different share rights

Get an overview of investor agreements

Not only historical (completed and registered) capital increases, but also:
- Completed but not registered capital increases
- Convertible loans
- Subscription rights
- SLIP (Startup Lead Investment Paper)

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Insight into ALL share rights allows you to

Understand fully diluted ownership

All the different share rights affect the distribution of ownership over time. Understand the impact of all the agreements on the company and simulate individual dilution effects at different valuations.

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Insight into share rights gives you

Simple calculation of share allocation

Avoid errors, save time and money by seamlessly calculating share distribution when converting various instruments such as convertible loans and SLIPs based on signed agreements and the valuation at the time of conversion.

The portal takes into account interest calculations, various discounts and so-called valuation caps.

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The portal gives you full insight

Get insights at a detailed level

The portal gives you insight at group or shareholder level, both in terms of shareholder grouping/sorting, share numbers, share classes, transactions, share rights, etc.

Stakeholder overview

Investor relations

Ownership distribution

Share incentives

Financial instruments


Inclusive and transparent

investor portal

Look professional and save time and money by avoiding individual follow-up of your investors and outdated excel sheets, by inviting all your shareholders to an investor portal tailored to their needs.

Let shareholders gain insight into holdings, transactions, input values, assessment values and more in real time.

The portal allows you to give them access to the information they want. You can easily invite your shareholders with a few keystrokes. This gives you a common and formal shareholder book for use by all shareholders, which increases transparency, is reassuring and saves time.

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Make wise choices to manage the ownership of your company in a good way