The shareholder book is automatically updated based on all transactions, capital increases and share incentives.
This makes it easier to report and comply with all legal requirements under the Companies Act.
All transactions are logged as transactions in an online bank with all the necessary dates that all stakeholders must report on.
The portal distinguishes between different types of transactions and associated share classes and share numbers.
Get a full overview of all issued share incentives and real-time status.
Report on options for startups and benefits in kind that have a reporting obligation.
Have a full overview of all agreements and documentation related to transactions in one place.
Eliminate the frustration and time-consuming task of searching through old agreements, various excel sheets and old protocols when something needs to be reported or information requested. Get all history in one place in a structured presentation.
You have full control over different accesses and insights at individual or role level as you wish.
By giving them access to the shareholder register, you also meet the legal requirements of the Companies Act.
Shareholders get full insight into various transactions and tax values they are required to report on.
With Unlisted, you have full control of your ownership and you are always ready for a Due Diligence process for new investors. Follow our guides and we'll ensure that all share rights are presented in an investor-friendly way, while you have full traceability of history. This gives you the peace of mind to focus on building your company.